All energy in Romania to be green energy from 2027-2030

Alina Oprea
All energy in Romania will be green energy, starting from 2027-2030, and this is the biggest opportunity we have today in Europe, said the Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Ştefan-Radu Oprea. According to the minister, the biggest challenge of the business environment is the qualified workforce. He also spoke about the potential that the Black Sea has in renewable energies, in green energy.

"What do I think means a great opportunity for Romania? I was in Germany at a big economic forum, I was in the United States, and I had a lot of meetings, but I had even more meetings in Romania. The opportunity we have today in Europe is the fact that starting from 2027-2030 all energy in Romania will be green energy. We have a new law that will probably pass this Parliament session, with certainty by the Government, because we have already approved it at the Ministry of Economy. I am talking about the Offshore Law, about the potential that the Black Sea has in renewable energies, in green energy. I saw at the Bosch company, I spoke with other investors from Germany who can become nodal companies in Romania, who can horizontally develop new opportunities for many small and medium enterprises in Romania, in various fields and sectors of activity", he stated It stopped.

He emphasized that a great opportunity for Romania is also the transition to nuclear power.

 "We had very good conversations with Nuclearelectrica, with those who are involved in the project, for example, on SME, and together we can learn a matter that I think we have forgotten or maybe it was not very close to us for a very long time, that of being leaders, because we can become regional leaders in nuclear energy. This is a unique chance for Romania. Just think about the fact that we are the only ones who have nuclear power on Western technology from the very beginning. Everyone else around us only has energy with Russian technology. It is a certainty that it will have to be changed. With what? With the new technologies that will start from Romania", explained the Minister of Economy.

According to the minister, the biggest challenge of the business environment is the qualified workforce, and therefore new opportunities must be found.

"Say an indicator - 0.9% unemployment. The biggest challenge I know from you today is how we have qualified labor for your businesses. And here again is something we must do together: new opportunities in dual education, let's do them, because time does not forgive us, and history certainly will not forgive us if we miss such opportunities that are in front of us and which we must know how to take advantage of together and I use this word - profit - because I am in front of you, the entrepreneurs", said the Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Ştefan-Radu Oprea.

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Real estate

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Green Forum  |  18 December, 2024 at 7:30 AM
Green Forum  |  18 December, 2024 at 7:19 AM