MOL begins production at region's largest green hydrogen plant

Green Forum
MOL has begun production production at the Százhalombatta refinery, the largest green hydrogen plant in Central and Eastern Europe. 

The facility generates 1,600 tonnes of carbon-neutral green hydrogen annually, which is used in fuel production, reducing the Danube Refinery's CO2 emissions by 25,000 tonnes—equivalent to the yearly emissions of approximately 5,400 cars.

The MOL Group inaugurated the Százhalombatta plant in April, featuring a 10-megawatt electrolysis unit from Plug Power. This unit uses renewable electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, producing 8-9 tonnes of pure oxygen for every tonne of hydrogen. Plug Power's technology, refined over nearly 50 years, ensures reliable and clean hydrogen production with no harmful by-products.

"Green hydrogen is a clean, versatile energy source currently used in fuel production to lower our carbon footprint. Soon, it may also be directly utilized in transportation," said Ádám Horváth, Vice President of New and Sustainable Businesses at MOL Group. He further mentioned plans for similar plants in Bratislava and Rijeka, with the latter expected to begin operations in 2026.

The facility will gradually replace natural gas-based production, cutting over 25,000 tonnes of CO2 annually, which accounts for one-sixth of MOL Group's overall emissions.

Green Forum  |  18 September, 2024 at 8:51 PM