80% of Romanians are willing to do more for sustainability

Alina Oprea
80% of Romanians are willing to do more for sustainability if they had access to more information in this regard, is the conclusion of a study carried out by the Arctic Foundation in collaboration with Ipsos, which sought to discover and explore in detail the needs, expectations and the challenges of Romanians when it comes to adopting a sustainable lifestyle. According to the research, 52% of those surveyed say they want to learn more and do more than they already do for sustainability. 28% say they want more details and do a little more for sustainability, while 18% believe they are doing enough to be sustainable.

Only 2% of study participants say they are not interested in the topic or do not act in any way towards sustainability.

When asked what the barriers are, 38% say they don't know what to do to be more sustainable, and 34% believe they don't have time to act in this direction. 27% of those surveyed are not willing to pay extra for sustainability, 20% claim they are not motivated to change their lifestyle, and 18% do not believe their actions will change anything.

In addition, the findings of the study show that at least half of the population is strongly involved in two sustainable actions: sourcing from local producers (59%) and recycling (54%).

Regarding the practice of actions for sustainable behavior, 64% of Romanians say that they buy food only when they need it, 63% keep their clothes for a longer period, 63% use reusable bags, 60% turn off the water between washing steps, 58% buy seasonal food, 58% keep their phone or laptop plugged in only while charging, 56% choose energy-efficient products with an A label and 54% selectively collect trash.

However, Romanians are not as interested in supporting projects that focus on sustainability (behavior mentioned by only 18%), reducing meat consumption (25%) and buying second-hand clothes, borrowing or exchanging clothes (27%).

The conclusions of the study were the basis of the first campaign developed by the Arctic Foundation - "Redefine Romanian pride" - which aimed to show Romanians that being sustainable is a choice within reach, of which they can be proud. The campaign aims to redefine mindsets by using memorable popular quotes that normally have a negative connotation and giving them a positive connotation by linking them to sustainable habits. Thus, expressions such as "to get" - for second-hand clothes, "like in the country" - for food from local producers or "alms" - for food received as a gift acquire new meanings.

"This study helps us to better understand the expectations and needs of Romanians in terms of adopting a sustainable lifestyle and to identify solutions to support them along the way. Building a sustainable future is within the power of each of us, provided we assume this responsibility and accelerate the change of some habits or behaviors. Bringing to the fore the values ​​we believe in, a strong vision for long-term change, and a clear mission, we want to inspire others to act for a greener future", explained Gabriel Eremia, Director of the Board of the Arctic Foundation.

Arctic, the leader of the domestic appliances market in Romania, launched in March the Arctic Foundation, an initiative that aims to promote education for sustainability and that aims to become a catalyst for discussions on topics related to sustainable development.

"Understanding Sustainability 2022" is one of the largest sustainability surveys conducted at the local level. The study was carried out by the research company Ipsos, commissioned by the Arctic Foundation, in June 2022, on a sample of 726 respondents, men, and women, of equal weight, aged between 20 and 55, with secondary and higher education, from the urban environment in Romania.

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